Savior to google notebook

Google Notebook has announced that is has stopped development. Which means new users cant sign-up for this feature but the existing users can still use the service. Google notebook is knows for its: simple, design, effective, friendly, and well suited to a getting things done.Its one of the best tool of google and i use it extensive. Keep it alive. Petition to save Google Notebook. So now its time look for alternatives. I found some good alternatives for google notebook.
Evernote is worth a try. It handles web links, text notes, pictures, voice memos. Overall its a rich media note-taking system. With evernote its easy to import your google notebook notes.
Zoho Notebook is very similar to googe notebook. It handles text, image, audio, video etc. It also has a version control, Zoho Notebook plugin for firefox. You can even import your google notebook.
To import your notes from Google Notebook, select a notebook, click “export”, choose the Atom option, and save to disk. Repeat this step for each notebook you want to import into Evernote. When you’re done,
Login into the Evernote website
click on Settings, find the “Import into Evernote” section, click the link, and then select Google Notebook. You’ll need to import notebooks one by one.
Below is the video to help yourself

Login into the Zoho Notebook website
Click Import Google notebook, on top of the page. Start importing notes one by one.
Thats simple.
Have a look at this to try some other note taking applications.

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