Use google phone search to find out the local business info, flight & movie timings. One of the cool product from google India labs. This service be can be accessed from any phone and google sends the search results as SMS to your mobile @ free of cost.
All you need to do is dial 1-800-41-999-999 from any phone. Its a toll free number.
Recently i was in need to install DBD::oracle for windows so scoured google for it. Found that many people have trouble with installing the module.
Activestate site says: Using PPM: "DBD::Oracle Oracle no longer provides the Oracle client libraries for free, so we can no longer provide DBD Oracle as a PPM/PPM3 module. The DBD-Oracle package for ActivePerl 5.6 is the last package compiled before the licensing changed that is still available on our site. If you wish to compile this module locally, the source may be obtained from Instructions on using CPAN are at: If you are using Windows, an easy workaround for you might be just to use DBD-ODBC instead."
I encountered with following errors ppm install failed: The PPD does not provide code to install for this platform
Many suggested to use, which is no longer exists. Later found this site( It gave me the solution to install DBD::Oracle for Active State Perl 5.8.x. But i am using perl, v5.10.0 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread.
C:\>ppm install Downloading DBD-Oracle-1.22...done Unpacking DBD-Oracle-1.22...done Generating HTML for DBD-Oracle-1.22...done Updating files in site area...done 16 files installed
Point to be noted.
Dont use graphical interface(ppm) to install DBD::Oracle. Use install command from the command prompt.
Install oracle client. If still problem persists (error message like entry point not found) try replacing oci.dll
I used Perl mechanize to test my web application. Found it awesome. If you have plans to test your web app then, give a try with mechanize. It will make your job easier. Thanks to Andy Lester . Download WWW::Mechanize from here
lets see a small example with www::mechanize
Load necessary modules. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use WWW::Mechanize;
Create agent # create agent my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(); $mech->get(""); if(! $mech->success) { print "Failed to load\n"; }
Get the list of module category URL # Get all the links from the page that matches the given pattern. my @links = $mech->find_all_links(url_regex => qr/modlist\/(.*)/); foreach my $modlist (@links) { print("The URL is " . $modlist->url_abs . "\n"); }
The output of the above will be like this
The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is The URL is
Now lets see how to use forms. On top of the page you can see the search form. Lets search for mechanize. To do that,
my @search_links = $mech->find_all_links(); foreach my $search_list (@search_links) { if ($search_list->url_abs =~ /(.*).pm/) { print "I found mechanize module and the URL is $1 \n"; } }
Google Notebook has announced that is has stopped development. Which means new users cant sign-up for this feature but the existing users can still use the service. Google notebook is knows for its: simple, design, effective, friendly, and well suited to a getting things done.Its one of the best tool of google and i use it extensive.
Keep it alive. Petition to save Google Notebook.
So now its time look for alternatives.
I found some good alternatives for google notebook.
Evernote is worth a try. It handles web links, text notes, pictures, voice memos. Overall its a rich media note-taking system. With evernote its easy to import your google notebook notes.
Zoho Notebook is very similar to googe notebook. It handles text, image, audio, video etc. It also has a version control, Zoho Notebook plugin for firefox. You can even import your google notebook.
To import your notes from Google Notebook, select a notebook, click “export”, choose the Atom option, and save to disk. Repeat this step for each notebook you want to import into Evernote. When you’re done,
Login into the Evernote website
click on Settings, find the “Import into Evernote” section, click the link, and then select Google Notebook. You’ll need to import notebooks one by one.
Below is the video to help yourself
Login into the Zoho Notebook website
Click Import Google notebook, on top of the page. Start importing notes one by one.
Thats simple.
Have a look at this to try some other note taking applications.